Saturday, January 9, 2010

Workstation & Room

I decided to blog about this haha , nothing to do..
So as you all know that all of us have bad habits when comes to your own particular room , especially tidyness and cleanness and yes we have mom's nagging too as usual. But hey, since it's 2010 , and of course I totally cleared up junks and cleaned the entire room. But as known after a week or two, it surely to be in the mess again.

Well let's see how long could I keep my room clean??? haha


totally the cabinet on the left is kinda a nuisance, it takes up space, it could be better if I could have a corner table workstation much neeto :DD, as my built cabinet is like how old ??? need's to be replaced

My Workstation , Mmmm what is missing is a nice iMac desktop , yea keep on dreaming... hahaha .

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